
Health Coach

Millennia Wellness MD

Weight Loss and
Wellness Services

Take action and begin your health and wellness journey

You’re stuck and it’s time for change. Take action and begin your health and wellness journey to become the best version of yourself through the holistic approach to healthy living!

You can achieve your health and wellness goals with our 30-day, 90- day or 6 month health coaching programs at Millennia Wellness MD. This total wellness program is tailored toward your unique needs, whether that be holistic nutrition tools, health tips, fitness guidance, or any other aspect of your wellness. Together, we will take the necessary steps to help you transform into the healthiest version of yourself.​

This isn’t a health coaching program to get it done quickly. It’s a total healthy living program to get it done right with gradual improvements to establish healthy lifestyle habits. You will do the work, and together we will uncover your desires, your motivation for change, and what has been holding you back from your health and fitness goals. As your personal holistic health coach, we will provide you with the right wellness plan, ongoing support, and accountability to get you to where you want to be in your health. You will walk away with the tools to be able to continue on your own and thrive through healthy living.

Like everything in life, what you get out of this health and wellness program is a direct result of what you put in. There are no ‘magic wands’ here. You may want to give up and fall back to your unhealthy habits, because, well, it’s just easier. If you are ready to do some real work on yourself, then this total wellness program is for you. The 90-Day Intensive Total Transformation is not just about your diet and establishing a healthy food plan using holistic nutrition, although it is a large part of this total body cleanse.​

What you will get:

Health Coach blog

Simple Metabolism Hacks to Try This Month

If you’ve been feeling like your metabolism has been a little sluggish and needing a boost, there are some shifts you can make to see what your body responds to. Here are some of my favorite ways to improve your metabolism so you can continue to feel energized and well.

How to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Even Throughout the Day

Whether you have diabetes or not, keeping blood sugar levels stable throughout the day is an essential part of your wellbeing. Drastic fluctuations in blood sugar levels can cause energy crashes, fatigue, headaches— and nobody wants that. Luckily, with a few lifestyle and dietary changes, you can keep those blood sugar levels stable all day.